parser module (magma_ff)

ParserFF object

While magma uses MetaWorkflow[json] or MetaWorkflowRun[json] formats, the portal uses slightly different formats where arguments are encoded as string. ParserFF provides methods to allow compatibility and convert between the portal and magma arguments representations.

Initialize ParserFF object

from magma_ff import parser

#   -> portal representation of MetaWorkflow[json] or MetaWorkflowRun[json]

pff_obj = parser.ParserFF(input_json)


The method pff_obj.arguments_to_json() parses the portal representation of MetaWorkflow[json] or MetaWorkflowRun[json] stored in self.in_json attribute. If input key is found, converts and replaces arguments in input from portal string format to magma format. If workflows, for each steps converts and replaces arguments in input from portal string format to magma format. Updates and returns self.in_json.