
MetaWorkflow[json] is a data format that describes the general structure of a multi-step workflow in json format. The format can store general information for the workflow (e.g. reference files, shared arguments, …), as well as specific information for each of the steps (StepWorkflow[json]). The format is very flexible and allows to extend the minimal set of keys that are required with any number of custom keys.


  ## General MetaWorkflow[json] information
  #   These are general fields that are required by the parser,
  #   however, there is no check on the content that can be customized
  "name": <str>, # name for the MetaWorkflow[json]
  "uuid": <str>, # universally unique identifier

  ## General MetaWorkflow[json] arguments
  #   These are general arguments that are used by multiple steps
  #   and can be grouped here to avoid repetition
  "input": [

    # Structure for a file argument
      # These are necessary fields
      "argument_name": <str>,
      "argument_type": "file",
      "files": <...>
      # These are optional fields
      #   It is possible to skip these fields or add custom ones
      "dimensionality": <int>

    # Structure for a parameter argument
      # These are necessary fields
      "argument_name": <str>,
      "argument_type": "parameter",
      "value": <...>
      # These are optional fields
      #   It is possible to skip these fields or add custom ones
      "value_type": <str>

    # Arguments with no value or file uuid can be specified as well
    #   and will need to be provided as input in MetaWorkflowRun[json]


  ## Steps for the MetaWorkflow[json]
  "workflows": [

    # Structure for StepWorkflow[json]
      # General StepWorkflow[json] information
      #   These are general fields that are required by the parser,
      #   however, there is no check on the content that can be customized
      "name": <str>, # name for the StepWorkflow[json]
      "workflow": <str>, # universally unique identifier
      "config": { # configuration for the StepWorkflow[json]
        # example for AWS and Tibanna
        "instance_type": <str>,
        "ebs_size": <str> | "formula:<formula>",
              # !!! it is possible to specify formulas "formula:<formula>"
              #   values to be replaced must be defined as
              #   parameter arguments in MetaWorkflowRun[json] specific input !!!
        "EBS_optimized": <bool>,
        "spot_instance": <bool>,
        "log_bucket": <str>,
        "run_name": <str>,
        "behavior_on_capacity_limit": <str>

      # Additional StepWorkflow[json] information
      #   Optional fields can be added and customized
      "dependencies": [], # allows to force general dependencies to steps

      # Example of additional Tibanna specific fields
      "custom_pf_fields": {
        # Example for CGAP data model
        # For an updated list of permissible properties, see schema at
        "<filename>": {
             "file_type": <str>,
             "variant_type": <str>,
             "description": <str>,
             "linkto_location": [<str>, ...]
      "custom_qc_fields": {},

      # StepWorkflow[json] arguments
      #   These are the arguments that are used by the StepWorkflow[json]
      "input": [

        # Structure for a file argument
          # These are necessary fields
          "argument_name": <str>,
          "argument_type": "file",

          # Linking fields
          #   These are optional fields
          #   If no source step is specified,
          #     the argument will be matched to general arguments by source_argument_name
          #     or argument_name if source_argument_name is missing
          #   First will try to match to argument in MetaWorkflowRun[json] specific input
          #     if no match is found will try to match to MetaWorkflow[json] default argument
          "source": <str>, # step that is source
          "source_argument_name": <str>,

          # Input dimension
          #   These are optional fields to specify input argument dimensions to use
          #     when creating the MetaWorkflowRun[json] or step specific inputs
          "scatter": <int>, # input argument dimension to use to scatter the step
                            #   !!! this will create multiple shards in the MetaWorkflowRun[json] structure !!!
                            #   the same dimension will be used to subset the input argument when creating the step specific input
          "gather": <int>, # increment for input argument dimension when gathering from previous steps
                           #   !!! this will collate multiple shards in the MetaWorkflowRun[json] structure !!!
                           #   the same increment in dimension will be used when creating the step specific input
          "input_dimension": <int>, # additional dimension used to subset the input argument when creating the step specific input
                                    #   this will be applied on top of scatter, if any, and will only affect the step specific input
                                    #   !!! this will not affect scatter dimension in building the MetaWorkflowRun[json] structure !!!
          "extra_dimension": <int>, # additional increment to dimension used when creating the step specific input
                                    #   this will be applied on top of gather, if any, and will only affect the step specific input
                                    #   !!! this will not affect gather dimension in building the MetaWorkflowRun[json] structure !!!
          # These are optional fields
          #   It is possible to skip these fields or add custom ones
          "mount": <bool>,
          "rename": "formula:<parameter_name>",
                #  !!! formula:<parameter_name> can be used to
                #    specify a parameter name that need to be matched
                #    to parameter argument in MetaWorkflowRun[json] specific input
                #    and the value replaced !!!
          "unzip": <str>

        # Structure for a parameter argument
          # These are necessary fields
          "argument_name": <str>,
          "argument_type": "parameter",

          # These are optional fields
          #   If no value is specified,
          #     the argument will be matched to general arguments by source_argument_name
          #     or argument_name if source_argument_name is missing
          #   First will try to match to argument in MetaWorkflowRun[json] specific input
          #     if no match is found will try to match to MetaWorkflow[json] default argument
          "value": <...>,
          "source_argument_name": <str>
