
Example 1.

This is a real example on how to create a new MetaWorkflowRun[json] from a MetaWorkflow[json], and import steps information from an old MetaWorkflowRun[json]. The code use magma_ff for compatibility with the portal.

# Libraries
from magma_ff import metawfl as wfl
from magma import metawflrun as run
# Using metawflrun from magma allows to keep the original json
#     as it is returned by the portal,
#     to apply the parser use magma_ff instead
from magma_ff import runupdate as runupd

# Get MetaWorkflow[json] from the portal
#   --> wfl_json

# Create MetaWorkflow object
wfl_obj = wfl.MetaWorkflow(wfl_json)

# Get old MetaWorkflowRun[json] from the portal
#   --> run_json_toimport

# Create MetaWorkflowRun object for old MetaWorkflowRun[json]
run_obj_toimport = run.MetaWorkflowRun(run_json_toimport)

# Create the new MetaWorkflowRun[json] from MetaWorkflow object
input_structure = [['a'],['b'],['c']]
run_json = wfl_obj.write_run(input_structure)

# Create MetaWorkflowRun object for new MetaWorkflowRun[json]
run_obj = run.MetaWorkflowRun(run_json)

# Create RunUpdate object
runupd_obj = runupd.RunUpdate(run_obj)

# Import information
steps_name = ['fastqc-r1', 'fastqc-r2', 'workflow_samplegeno', 'cgap-bamqc', 'workflow_granite-mpileupCounts']
run_json_updated = runupd_obj.import_steps(run_obj_toimport, steps_name)