metawflrun module (magma)

This is a module to work with MetaWorkflowRun[json] format.

Import the library

from magma import metawflrun as run


MetaWorkflowRun object

MetaWorkflowRun object stores MetaWorkflowRun[json] general information, together with shards information as WorkflowRun objects.

Initialize MetaWorkflowRun object

import json

# Read input json
with open('.run.json') as json_file:
    data = json.load(json_file)

# Create MetaWorkflowRun object
wflrun_obj = run.MetaWorkflowRun(data)

This will read MetaWorkflowRun[json] .run.json content into a MetaWorkflowRun object and create a WorkflowRun object for each of the shards in workflow_runs.


  • wflrun_obj.meta_workflow, stores meta_workflow content as string.

  • wflrun_obj.input, stores input content as list.

  • wflrun_obj.workflow_runs, stores workflow_runs content as list.

  • wflrun_obj.runs, stores WorkflowRun objects as dictionary.

# wflrun_obj.runs structure
  run_obj_1.shard_name = run_obj_1,
  run_obj_2.shard_name = run_obj_2,
  • wflrun_obj.final_status, stores final_status as string.


The method wflrun_obj.to_run() returns a list of WorkflowRun objects that are ready to run (objects status is set to pending and dependencies run completed).

The method wflrun_obj.running() returns a list of WorkflowRun objects with status set to running.

The method wflrun_obj.update_attribute(shard_name<str>, attribute<str>, value<any>) updates attribute value for WorkflowRun object corresponding to shard_name in wflrun_obj.runs.

The method wflrun_obj.runs_to_json() returns workflow_runs as json. Builds workflow_runs directly from WorkflowRun objects in wflrun_obj.runs.

The method wflrun_obj.to_json() returns MetaWorkflowRun[json]. Builds workflow_runs directly from WorkflowRun objects in wflrun_obj.runs.

The method wflrun_obj.reset_step(step_name<str>) resets attributes value for WorkflowRun objects corresponding to step specified as step_name. Resets all shards associated to specified step.

The method wflrun_obj.reset_shard(shard_name<str>) resets attributes value for WorkflowRun object in runs corresponding to shard specified as shard_name. Resets only specified shard.

The method wflrun_obj.update_status() checks the status for all WorkflowRun objects, sets MetaWorkflowRun final status accordingly. Returns updated wflrun_obj.final_status.

WorkflowRun object

WorkflowRun is an object to represent a shard.


  •, stores name content as string.

  • run_obj.status, stores status content as string (pending | running | completed | failed).

  • run_obj.shard, stores shard content as string.

  • run_obj.shard_name, stores shard_name (name + shard) content as string.

  • run_obj.output, stores output content as list, default [].

  • run_obj.dependencies, stores dependencies content as list, default [].